# Palette
We've mentioned palette.styl
in Folder structure, it should be under the styles
folder. Its purpose is to override global color settings. With palette.styl
, you have the ability to modify not only colors but also layout. Here's what you can configure:
// colors
$accentColor = lighten(#4a154b, 50%)
$textColor = #2c3e50
$darkTextColor = #000
$borderColor = rgba($darkTextColor,.05)
$darkBorderColor = $darkTextColor
$codeBgColor = $darkTextColor
$bgColor = #fff
$headerBgColor = $bgColor;
$footerBgColor = $darkTextColor
$footerColor = #828282
$newsletterBgColor = #f8f8f8
// layout
$contentWidth = 740px
// responsive breakpoints
$MQNarrow = 959px
$MQMobile = 719px
$MQMobileNarrow = 419px
// code
$lineNumbersWrapperWidth = 3.5rem
$codeLang = js ts html md vue css sass scss less stylus go java c sh yaml py docker dockerfile makefile
Another easy approach to modify styles is index.styl (opens new window). The extra styles you add has a higher priority than what this theme provides.